Seeing Red is disembodiment. This initial collaboration between Cari Martin and Bill Hill, reflects the transformation of the physical while challenging the dualistic Cartesian perspective.

Science and technology have profoundly affected our abilities to observe, transform, and manipulate bodily functions and our concepts of the body. By the tension of exploring the post human, Seeing Red, suggests body as Other, body as Abject, body as Shadow, while rejecting, in our post-industrial age, body as Commodity.

As radical analysis suggests that the physical body and physical space are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Digital technologies such as virtual reality allow people to inhabit simulated worlds of their own arbitrary design using synthetic bodies. The dystrophic body is a "contested" site where many of the culture's discourses are played out. Stagnate and planted the physical body must break free of its roots; it must “separate” to find relevance.

Seeing Red uses DVD projection, a nine light setup (which can be modified) and a fog machine. It is a solo piece lasting 5 minutes and 25 seconds.

It opens with a 50 second film sequence of figure blindfolded standing alone, embedded in the stump of a tree removing her bindings and rejecting her roots. Fades to black. Up on solo figure on stage with a single spotlight and stage floor covered with fog, background projection is of sky with rolling clouds. Figure moves around stage reacting to a large hand that comes down out of the clouds.